Thursday, December 25, 2014

T-BOX Wind Power Generator - Report

T-BOX Wind Power Generator 
(Seminar Report)

An Overview

Now a days the need of energy resources is increasing at a much faster rate. We need to capitalize all the available options to complete all our needs with ease.
For this, inventions like T-BOX are very helpful. As it needs only wind from passing trains to produce the energy.

As INDIAN RAILWAYS NETWORK is very large and denser. The tracks are in every city, village of the country, as it is in every part of the country then if T-BOXES are installed in India then there will be a huge production of electricity because in Indian Railways there are 1000’s of trains and they runs continuously and it will produce large amount of power.

And, here in this report I have contributed some of my efforts to make all the data in a report so that others searching for this topic can get the data easily. 

·         Main Components
§  Bracket x2
§  Main Cover
§  Inside Cover
§  Turbine (Blades)
·         Internal Components
§  2 Vents on Inside Cover
§  Side Cap x2
§  Axis x2
§  Flume x2
§  Generator x2
§  Power Generation Device
§  Balance Device
§  Hook x4

The idea of a train being able to utilize its very infrastructure to generate electricity is very fascinating. Generating power by harnessing the wind energy created by fast moving trains is not an idea that may occur to the average researcher. However, two industrial designers- China’s Qian Jiang and Italy’s Alessandro Leonetti Luparini have managed to develop a device that produces power by utilizing this unique form of wind energy.


The T- box is a power generated device that harnesses wind energy as trains run over railroad tracks. This alternative form of wind energy produced by trains is very unique, as it does not depend on any natural energy sources. Instead, the energy generated from this device is produced as a consequence of human activity.
The T- box device generates energy without any interference of the normal train operation – the device is installed between railroad ties, and is partially buried underground. As the train passes over the device, the wind generated from the train spins the turbine inside the T- box to generate electricity.
The T- box contains all the mechanical components required for harnessing, storing and supplying converted power. Hence, the power generated from this device can be supplied to public facilities along the railway and also to remote areas where electricity has not yet reached.

The device, called a T-Box, differs in that it is designed to be installed within the actual railing track itself. It consists of a durable metallic cylinder with vents, which allow air to flow through and rotate turbine blades housed inside. Yanko claims that a 1000 meter stretch of railroad can be retrofitted with about 150 T-boxes. Considering that a train barrelling down at a speed of 200 kilometres per hour creates winds of roughly 15 miles a second, the T-boxes could generate 2.6 KwH of electricity.

But like many similar ideas, the T-Box currently exists in the pristine world of concepts where issues like debris, dirt and maintenance issues are absent, which isn't the case in the real world. So there's a strong likelihood that train passengers will never see one in operation

A speeding train, for instance, produces tremendous gusts that can just as easily be converted into electricity. A couple years ago, an Indian inventor named Santosh Pradhan proposed a modification to current trains that, according to his calculations, would have harvested as much as 10,000 megawatts of electricity each day from trains operating in Mumbai, a city in India.
Now designers from the firm Yanko Design have seized upon the same principle and developed a device that can collect wind energy from passing trains. The technology works similarly to a wind tunnel concept put forth last year by a team of Korean designers in which miniature turbine-based generators would be strategically placed at various spots along the walls of a subway train tunnel.
The idea of a train being able to utilize its very infrastructure to generate electricity is very fascinating. Generating power by harnessing the wind energy created by fast moving trains is not an idea that may occur to the average researcher. However, two industrial designers- China’s Qian Jiang and Italy’s Alessandro Leonetti Luparini have managed to develop a device that produces power by utilizing this unique form of wind energy.

A train moving at 125mph would generate a wind speed equivalent to 50 feet/ second. Wind blowing with such speed will let a normal wind power generator harness about 3500W of power. If a train is about 656 feet long, running at the pace of 187mph, and it moves along a 0.62 mile railway track in about 18 seconds, the power generated in this small period by the T- boxes laid on the tracks will be 2.6KW.
Qian and Luparini estimate that about 150 T-box devices could be accommodated along a 0.62 mile railway track.


To fit the T- BOX on the tracks, some work has to be done on them:
  • Firstly, Concaves have to be constructed in cement between each of two sleepers
  • Two brackets then have to be placed on two sides of the concaves
  • The brackets have to be examined to ensure that they are well fixed
  • The T-box is then set upon the manoeuvred tracks

Installation of a T-BOX

Installed T- BOXES


As anyone living near railway tracks will tell you, speeding trains generate quite a bit of wind as they whoosh past. Industrial designers Qian Jiang and Alessandro Leonetti Luparini have come up with a device that's installed between the sleepers on a track, and as the train passes overhead, the wind drives a turbine to generate electricity. The T-box devices could be placed along railway or subway lines, and make good use of an otherwise wasted resource.
Unlike innovations such as the Solar Roadways project and Solar Wind concept, the T-box device wouldn't have to depend on a natural energy source, but instead one that is produced as a consequence of human activity. China's Jiang and Italy's Luparini reckon that about 150 of these devices could be installed along a kilometre (0.62 miles) of track and as a train speeds along, the turbines inside the device would generate electricity.
The designers say that the turbine is based on models produced by HETRONIX, although the blades are obviously designed to rotate about a central axis within the cylinder housing. Much of the T-box would be below ground level with only the vent showing, and even though the wind produced by passing trains may only come in short bursts, installing them along a busy route should result in a decent amount of energy being produced.
Of course, keeping these clean and safe could be a problem. In addition to the dust and debris kicked up as the train speeds along or grime and grease deposits escaping from underneath, protecting such shiny boxes from the destructive hands of vandals could prove somewhat tiresome.
The components used in design of T-BOX are-
·         Main Components
§  Bracket x2
§  Main Cover
§  Inside Cover
§  Turbine (Blades)
·         Internal Components
§  2 Vents on Inside Cover
§  Side Cap x2
§  Axis x2
§  Flume x2
§  Generator x2
§  Power Generation Device
§  Balance Device
§  Hook x4


Components Used in T-BOX

The designers say that the turbine is based on models produced by HETRONIX, although the blades are obviously designed to rotate about a central axis within the cylinder housing. Much of the T-box would be below ground level with only the vent showing, and even though the wind produced by passing trains may only come in short bursts, installing them along a busy route should result in a decent amount of energy being produced.
Hetronix wind turbine system is the latest small wind turbine generator system designed to provide electricity which can be used on several different type applications, such as batteries charging, or stand alone remote electrical power supply system. Furthermore, with the additional Power Grid Inverter, the Hetronix wind turbine system can also be connected to the power grid.

The Hetronix wind turbine system consists of a 2.5 meter rotor system and a generator which is 35cm in diameter. The 58 kilogram wind turbine is rated at 2000 watts @ 12.5 m/s wind.
The Hetronix wind turbine system features superior low wind-speed blade design
which provides great performance, very high system efficiency, and low noise. The Hetronix wind turbine system also provides the optional mono-tower kit and guyed tubular tilt tower kit.

Every electric locomotive of 4.5 MW (6000 HP) deprives 15000 households of their electricity needs. 14.7% villages in the country are yet to get electricity. Every Electric locomotive of 4.5 MW introduces 4500 highly inefficient small generating sets, which cause more pollution and consume six times more fuel than a diesel locomotive. World’s modern and advances economies like USA and Canada have less than 1% electrification against IR’s 41.7%. All profit-making Railways of the world are having predominately diesel traction while all loss making Railways are predominantly electric traction Railways. Diesel loco hauled passenger trains are 41% cheaper than electric hauled trains. Electric traction requires huge capital investment of Rs. 63 crores per loco in Overhead Wires, Transmission Lines, Power Plants as against only Rs. 3 crores on Diesel traction. Energy Bill of Railways for the year 1998-99 was more than Rs. 2800 crores for hauling about 60% freight traffic and 50% passenger traffic against fuel bill of about Rs. 1500 crores for the balance BG traffic

Diesel traction, in any case, is cheaper for passenger services. Contrary to popular perception electric traction is more polluting than diesel traction. The “green house” gases emission in case of power generation from coal is 26% higher than that for a diesel locomotive for the same amount of power generated (UNDP Study). Considering the transmission losses associated with the distribution of power, electric traction is about 65% more polluting as compared to diesel traction. Generation of 1 MW of power requires 10 tonnes of coal every day. Since coal in India has an ash content of 40%, this results in generation of 4 tonnes of coal ash every day. Thus, one electric locomotive requiring 4.5 MW of power is responsible for generating.



The T- box has so far been considered quite environmentally friendly. The T- box does not produce any harmful chemicals nor has it been proven to have any other side effects thus far.

·         It is Ecofriendly. As, it do not emits any Carbon contents it does not harm environment and also it helps in decreasing pollution if we use it instead of the Fossil Fuel sources.
·         It is Cheaper. Construction of T-Box is very easy and also it does not cost so much.
·         Easy to install. It is very easy to install.
·         Needs less maintenance & has less chances of Failure.
·         It is Efficient.
·         Non-variable & continuous supply if regularly trains are passes by in a small range of a time.
·         Higher power to weight ratio.
·         No need of extra space for installation.
·         No need of external power source.


Keeping the T- box devices clean can pose great problem. As the train passes, quite a bit of dirt and debris will be kicked up, and will land on the upper surface of the T- box. Also, grease and grime deposits escaping from underneath will contribute to contaminating the device.
Theft: the high scrap value of copper and the unguarded, remote installations make overhead cables an attractive target for scrap metal thieves.


As the hunger for alternative forms of energy continues, the T-box has generated hope. This device presents a new generation of wind power generators, and has created quite a sensation among techno buffs. However, it is important to remember that the design is still in the conceptual stage and has not taken into account all of the preservation and maintenance issues that are likely to pose a problem in any future use of this device.

T-BOX WIND POWER GENERATOR is a device which can help in parallel with the Wind Mills across the World. As we already know that in the Setup of those large Wind Mills we need to invest so much of money. Also, they need a large area for it because in Wind Farms they should be in large in numbers, then only they will produce electricity. Also, one drawback is that they are variable and totally depends upon winds and that is why they can’t produce continuous electricity.
The T-BOX is to be setup between the rail sleepers by making only a concave space and by using two brackets it can be easily install. It is very small in size as compared to Wind Mills and also don’t need extra space. These can be really useful in those places where electricity is not available. These T-BOX need less capital investment compared to the solar panel installation of same capacity. Also, they produces more energy in terms of space taken by them.
As INDIAN RAILWAYS NETWORK is very large and denser. The tracks are in every city, village of the country, as it is in every part of the country then if T-BOXES are installed in India then there will be a huge production of electricity because in Indian Railways there are 1000’s of trains and they runs continuously and it will produce large amount of power.